abia HIV AgAb

abia HIV AgAb is an enzyme immunoassay for the qualitative detection of antibodies to human immunodeficiency virus types 1 and 2 (HIV-1 and HIV-2), HIV-1 group O and HIV-1 p24 antigen in human serum or plasma. The assay is intended for screening for potentially infectious samples to prevent their use as donor materials. For professional use only.

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Packaging Contents

HIV AgAb coated plate

1 plate

Conjugate 1 (concentrated 11-fold)

1.2 ml

Conjugate 2 (concentrated 11-fold)

1.4 ml

HIV Ag positive control (inactivated)

2.5 ml

HIV Ab positive control (inactivated)

2.5 ml

Negative control

2.5 ml

Washing solution (concentrated 25-fold)

50 ml

Conjugate 1 diluent

12 ml

Conjugate 2 diluent

14 ml

TMB (concentrated 11-fold)

2.5 ml

Substrate buffer

25 ml

Stopping reagent 0.2M H2SO4

25 ml

Protective film


Plastic dish


Zip-lock plastic bag


HIV AgAb coated plate

5 plates

Conjugate 1 (concentrated 11-fold)

2.5 ml

Conjugate 2 (concentrated 11-fold)

3.5 ml

HIV Ag positive control (inactivated)

2.5 ml

HIV Ab positive control (inactivated)

2.5 ml

Negative control

5 ml

Washing solution (concentrated 25-fold)

240 ml

Conjugate 1 diluent

25 ml

Conjugate 2 diluent

36 ml

TMB (concentrated 11-fold)

7 ml

Substrate buffer

70 ml

Stopping reagent 0.2M H2SO4

90 ml

Protective film


Plastic dish


Zip-lock plastic bag



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Where do I find the batch number?

The batch number is placed on top of the box label, starting with DK

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